2019-2020 awards

5678 Dance Competition – March 2020

Great start to Day 1. Congratulations to all dancers and thank you to everyone cheering from home!? Routines with *DWC received special invites to Dance World Cup
11-12 yr Lyrical groups
?Pre Elite CDT “Your Song” *DWC
?Jr 2 SG “Imagine”
13 yr Lyrical groups
?Jr. 2 SG ” Waves”
16 yr Lyrical groups
? Elite CDT “Broken” *DWC
12 yr Lyrical Duo
? Olivia & Selene *DWC
13 yr Lyrical Duo
?Alliana & Samara
8 yr Lyrical solo
? Madisyn McDonald
12 yr Lyrical solo
?Selene Nguyen *DWC
14-15 lyrical solo
?Ella Almario *DWC
? EmmaLee Czarnecki
9 yr ballet duo/trio
? “Blue Birds” *DWC (Caly, Madisyn, Makenna)
13 yr ballet duo/trio
?”Tre Amiche” (Alliana, Elliotte, Katherine)
11-12 yr ballet solo
? Olivia Hawley *DWC
? Selene Nguyen *DWC
16 yr ballet solo
? EmmaLee Czarnecki
16 yr modern
?Bentley Ali
Improv Open
?Olivia Hawley *DWC
7-8 HH Solo
?Harlow Lanuza *DWC
10-11 HH Solo
?Toni Lozano*DWC
? Aaden Bhowani *DWC
12 yr HH solo
?Joshua Stagg
? Morgan Durant
14 yr HH solo
?Jace Stefanec *DWC
? Taliea Minuk
15 yr HH solo
?Ella Almario *DWC
?Tayler Vermette
?EmmaLee Czarnecki
16-18 yr HH solo
? Esethu Gwinsta *DWC
?Duy Tran
?Tia Collins
16-18 Yr HH Sr. Solo
?Bentley Ali *DWC
?Kayla Odidison *DWC
?Simon Lukacs *DWC
11-12 yr HH Duo/Trio
?”Nix2Will” (Nixon, Will &Will)
15 & up HH Duo/Trio
?”Say our Names” (Bentley & Kayla)*DWC
? “Times 3 (Amir, Jordan, Simon)
8-9 HH Novice Groups
?Mini Elite CDT “Angels”
?Jr 1 SG “Elementary Groove”
9 yr HH Junior Groups
?Jr 1 Elite CDT “Sparks”
?Jr 1 SG “Hitters”
11 yr HH Groups
?Jr1B HH CDT “Childs Play”
?Jr Boys HH CDT ” Galaxy”
12 yr HH Groups
?Jr 2 Elite CDT “Chargers” *DWC
?Boys SG “Still Fly”
?Jr Coed SG “#FORYOU
13-14 yr HH Groups
?Elite CDT “Lakers” & Sr Boys CDT “Kings” tie * DWC
?Elite SG “Dynamite”
16-18 yr HH Groups
?Sr. Elite CDT “Ladies Squad” *DWC
?Sr SG “Show Out” *DWC
?Explosion CDT “F.O.L.G”

We had a very successful weekend @5678_showtime as we wrap up day 2!Awesome job to all of our dancers & congratulations to all! We are super proud! ?

8-9 y/o Jazz Groups
?Mini Elite CDT “The Heat is On” *DWC

9 y/o Jazz Groups
? Jr 1 CDT “Can’t Turn you Loose” *DWC
? Jr 1 SG “Girl in the Mirror”

12 y/o Jazz Groups
? Pre Elite CDT “More” *DWC
? Jr 2 CDT “Faith”

13 & Up Jazz Groups
?Inter-Sr Elite CDT “Moondance” *DWC

16 y/o Jazz Groups
? Elite CDT “Dangerous” *DWC

7 y/o Jazz Duo/Trio
? Mini Elite Trio “Uptown Girls” *DWC

10-12 y/o Jazz Duo/Trio
? “Emergency”
? “Vogue”
14 & Up Jazz Duo/Trio
? “Sweet Dreams” *DWC
? “Ex’s & Oh’s”

10-11 y/o Jazz Solos
? Sierra Offel
? Olivia Hawley *DWC

12 y/o Jazz Solos
? Selene Nguyen *DWC

13-15 y/o Jazz Solos
? Ella Almario *DWC
? Madison Watkins

16-18 y/o Jazz Solos
? Emma Braun

11 y/o Tap Groups
? Jr Tap CDT
14 y/o Tap Groups
? Elite Tap CDT *DWC

16 y/o Tap Groups
? Sr Tap CDT *DWC
? “Bananas”

11 y/o Tap Duo/Trios
? “Big Girl Now” *DWC

14-16 y/o Tap Duo/Trios
? “Hot Liquorice”

13-15 y/o Tap Solos
? Katherine Durand
? Taryn Pimentel

16 y/o Contemp Groups
? Elite SG “Mechanism Control” *DWC
? Inter LG “A Story”

16-18 y/o Contemp Solos
? Jordan Pimentel
? Bentley Ali *DWC

12 y/o Song & Dance Groups
? Jr Musical Theatre CDT
14 y/o Song & Dance Duo/Trio
? “Mama I’m A Big Girl”

10-11 y/o Song & Dance Solos
? Nathanael Raposo *DWC
? Raquel Kravets

13-15 y/o Song & Dance Solos
? Sophie Vermeylen
? Lauren Minaker

13 & Up Variety Arts Solo
? Emma Braun *DWC
? Samara Semenchuk

13 & Up Acro Groups
? Jr Acro CDT “Fantasy” *DWC
? Sr Acro CDT “Take Over”

11 y/o Acro Duo/Trios
? “Beautiful Aliens”

Production Open
? 96 000 In The Heights
? Escaping Calamity *DWC

The following groups have also been invited to DWC!
?Lyrical Duo (Selene & Olivia)
? Mini Elite Hip Hop “Angels”

This weekends special awards & scholarship highlights! $235 IDance Convention Scholarships – Caly Harper
– Selene Nguyen
– Madisyn McDonald
– Harlow Lanuza $750 SDF Tour Scholarships – Nathanael Raposo
– Olivia Hawley
– Ella Almario – Bentley Ali

Dancer of the Year Award
12 and under
?Olivia Hawley ($250 Cash Prize)
? Selene Nguyen ($100 Cash Prize)

Dancer of the Year Award
13 & up
? Ella Almario ($50 Cash Prize)

Terpsichore Dance Competition -February 2020

Congratulations to our dancers for a successful 1st half at @terpsichorecanada!!

Awards ?
Jr. Lyrical Small Group – “Waves” Superior 90.0-92.9
Tia Collins HH Solo – “Slump “Superior 90.0-92.9
Sr. Tap Trio – “Hot Liquorice” High Superior 93.0-94.9

Cassidy Burns for receiving the “powerhouse” judges choice award & for receiving the Outstanding score 95.0+ for her modern solo “Spirals of Inquiry”

Mini Jazz Trio: 1st Place Overall, Special Judges Award “STARS” & Best Choreography for Ms. Lindsay

Jr. Ballet Trio: 3rd Place Overall with Superior Award. Choreographed by Ms. Giulia

Lyrical Solo: 1st Place & Outstanding Award (Cassidy Burns). Choreographed by Ms. Lindsay

Lyrical Solo: 2nd Place & Outstanding Award (Holly Zahedi). Choreographed by Ms. Tayler

Jazz Solo: 1st Place & Outstanding Award (Cassidy Burns). Choreographed by Ms. Lindsay

Mini Hip Hop Small Group: Special Judges Award & Superior Mark. Choreographed by Mr. Justin

Congratulations to all of students who participated at the Terpslchore dance convention.
Jr. Schlorship winners: Makenna Speer, Harlow Lanuza, Raya Prokop, Callista Ramos?

Sr. Scholarships Winners: Cassidy Burns and Holly Zahedi.?

Winners of $100 towards the Edmonton Dance Convention. Super proud for each of you. Way to go??

Terpsichore Final Day. Amazing performances by all of our students.
Congratulations! Here are a few final highlights and overall awards. #ladafam

Teen hip hop “Dynamite” Choreographed by Mr. Justin: Congratulations and WOW?? -Grand Final Higest Score for Hip Hop -Highest part-time score in 13 & over -Judges Choice Award for Most Entertaining in 13 and over category -Outstanding award with special judges award”slayed it”

Mini Hip hop “Elementary Groove” Choreographed by Mr. Justin
– 1st place overall under 12 Novice Group
– 12 & under overall Adjudication Award

JR. Small Group “#foryou” Choreographed by Mr. Justin – 1st place overall for under 12 part-time groups and High Superior award

TRIOS: Overalls

Mini Jazz Trio “Uptown Girls” Choreographed by Ms. Lindsay
-Higest Novice Score of Entire Competition

1st place – “ex’s and Ohs”
High Superior award Choreographed by Ms. Carly
2nd Place – “Hot Licorice” Choreographed by Ms. Jessica

3rd place overall in jr category, Judges award and high Superior award for Katherine Durand Choreographed by Mr. Thomas

3rd place teen overalls – “Breathe” Cassidy Burns Choreographed by Ms. Lindsay
6th place teen overalls – “For Now” Holly Zahedi Choreographed by Ms. Tayler

3rd place Sr. Overalls – “Slump” Tia Collins Choreographed by Mr. Juan


iDance Convention – November 2019

Congratulations to Eleanor Farrell for winning a $750 scholarship for the Lisbon or Paris tour at the idance convention this weekend. We are super proud of you for this amazing achievement. GREAT WORK ELLIE! ??

Triple Threat Dance Convention – November 2019

We had so much fun watching you all grow through dance this weekend at the Triple Threat Dance convention. Very proud of all of you and thank you to our #ladafam?

A big congratulations to Selene Nguyen first time competing in the TT Ultimate solo challenge and finished in the Top 5 for the Jr. Category for her solo performance choreographed by Ms. Lindsay Kaczir?

A big congratulations to Eleanor Farrell as she was named the top score for Sr. Auditions for the Ultimate Threat solo challenge and was a recipient of a scholarship. Congratulations!?

A big congratulations to Bentley Ali for scoring in the Top 5 in the Ultimate Solo Challenge for interviews and her solo performance choreographed by Mr. Lee?

Great job everyone and thank you to @triplethreatdanceconvention for another great weekend of dance ?